Letter From The Chairman

What ARE we? – The ICA-CFSHS is an organization focused on Human Performance with a dedication to enhancing athlete function through measures and methods involving Chiropractic Adjustment as the primary application.

What are we attempting to achieve? – Our GOALS include but are not limited to offering opportunities for sports-minded Chiropractors to have a Fellowship with their colleagues. The perpetuation of Chiropractic itself must aid in the development of skills that focus on specific and proper adjusting methods tailored to be sports-specific while reducing injury to the Chiropractor during the execution of care. Creation of a unique learning environment to ensure that D.C.’s can successfully engage both athlete and care team members as they share the amazing experiences of positive outcomes that become evident in the achievement of the athlete’s dreams. Combined, these 3 areas will aid in the formation of a deep foundation of principles matched with confidence and competency.

What we are NOT – The purpose of the ICA-CFSHS is NOT to duplicate programs that already exist! Completion of programs and established certifications oftentimes ends at the execution of the testing measures, but without actual opportunities to serve in the field of competition – the ICA-CFSHS is about to change that!

What the ICA-CFSHS will offer – Primarily, the ICA-CFSHS will offer a place for the sports chiropractor to land as a GO-TO resource to acquire experiences, learning opportunities, and a research depository with easy access. Offering exposure for the interested D.C. to experienced Sports Chiropractors for learning and mentorship is imperative for the development of any professional. A TRIBE of like-minded providers with a focus on athlete performance can build confidence with its support and fellowship not just as a trade organization, but as a brotherhood/sisterhood. Sharing is truly caring as a member of the ICA-CFSHS where applications of what you’ve learned become available to your local community and beyond.

How? – Our Committee of seasoned experts in their specific sports arenas have international relationships within and outside the Chiropractic Profession. By integrating with established sports organizations and educational programs, the ICA-CFSHS may be able to offer a very unique experience for its members on a multitude of levels! Every sports program has requirements to serve its members. By giving a learning/networking resource to developing Chiropractors and coordinating with the needs of each organization and member, the ICA-CFSHS will be a leader in Chiropractic sports synthesis by:

  • Incorporating the brand of the International Chiropractors Association – the oldest trade association dedicated to serving its Chiropractic members since its formation in 1926 for the protection and support of Chiropractors worldwide.
  • Creating a Private / Public Square to share ideas and ask questions.
  • A landing page for each D.C. to refer teams at all levels, their level of proficiency and experiences related to the ICA-CFSHS programs they’ve attended, and certificates garnered.
  • Experiencing a Sports-Chiropractic PodCast as both a spectator and a guest as the ICA-CFSHS members share their experiences and triumphs as they navigate through the good and bad as a Sports-Chiropractor.
  • A video depository for Chiropractors to share their everyday activities on the sidelines, locker rooms, and other engagements to inspire future generations of D.C.s.
  • Resource for Research, Sponsor support, Product discounts, and Equipment for Personal and Professional use
  • The official handbook from ICA-CFSHS that assists its members in traversing the pitfalls in the sports arena from nearly every angle.

With this concept, the ICA can have more arms than an octopus!

Thanks again!
Dr. Todd McDougle, BS, DC, FICA